What We Do

BakeNYC uses bread and other baked goods to help address food insecurity while honoring our city’s cultural diversity.

We conduct fundraising, negotiate pricing, coordinate with nonprofits and churches on distribution, and recruit volunteers to bake, pack and deliver fresh-baked bread, holiday loaves and pies, and special celebration cookies to families in need.

Our History


One day, while delivering food boxes to elderly residents in the city, I thought about how nice it would be for them to open their box and smell fresh bread… so I asked my family to help me find local bakeries to join us. Then I recruited three friends to pack boxes. That’s how Bake NYC was born.

A few months later, making deliveries in Astoria, we drove by Yaya’s Bakery, which means “grandma” in my culture. I took that as a sign and approached the owner Maria to help with Greek bread for a small church I knew. Bake NYC grew from here.